Day 33
God’s Redemptive- Plan
The story of the Passover is a foreshadow of God’s plan of redemption. There are echos of Abraham and Isaac here. God sacrificed His firstborn Son.Christ died as an atonement for sins. Jesus is our passover lamb 1Cor5:7
Exodus 10:1-2 “I have hardened His heart to show My plans- We must trust God . He uses the wicked as a tool to advance His plan.
God even used Saul who was actively against Him.
Passover- God passed over their homes because of the blood of the Lamb on their doorways and didn’t kill their firstborn.
If you were to use a hyssop branch to mark to put blood on the doorposts, it would resemble the cross.
The passover feast is not only celebrated by Jews today but all Christians … It is known as Communion or the Lord’s supper.
Exodus 12:11Thier clothing resembles the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18
God’s Revealed
The destroying Angel of God could be a Theophany, possibly a Christophany.